YCSD investigators obtained Missy Hammond's phone records for the days prior to her death.


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 000524-27A-2001
Case Description: Melissa Hammond homicide investigation

Pursuant to an order from the court, the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department obtained the telephone records for Melissa Hammond's residence telephone number, identified as 662-236-XXXX, for the period of January 25, 2001 through January 27, 2001.

  • Because there was an active answering machine at Melissa Hammond's residence, all calls remaining on the line until the answering machine picked up are recorded as completed calls.
  • The Account Names listed indicate only the billing name associated with the telephone number, not the identity of the person who placed or received the call.
  • Those calls that Yoknapatawpha Sheriff's Investigators have determined to be from telemarketers have been flagged with a "T."

Thursday, January 25, 2001

In/Out Time Duration Phone Number Account Name Telemkt
IN  13:29  1 minute  662-238-XXXX  Best Siding & Windows 
IN 19:21 18 minutes 662-234-XXXX Jonah Dale  
IN  19:48 1 minute 407-881-XXXX Luxury Vacations
IN 20:40 1 minute 662-234-XXXX McPhail's Chevron  
IN  20:41 3 minutes 662-234-XXXX McPhail's Chevron  
OUT 20:53 14 minutes 662-234-XXXX John McPhail  
OUT  21:21 37 minutes 662-232-XXXX Vincent Tonninger  


Friday, January 26, 2001

In/Out Time Duration Phone Number Account Name Telemkt
IN 15:17 2 minutes 662-234-XXXX Charles T. Flaherty, M. D.  
OUT  15:20 3 minutes  662-238-XXXX Complete Computing Specialists  
IN 15:24 1 minute 662-234-XXXX Murff's Lounge  
IN 16:01 3 minutes 662-232-XXXX Kevin Travers  
IN 17:48 1 minute 662-234-XXXX Blockbuster Video  


Saturday, January 27, 2001

In/Out Time Duration Phone Number Account Name Telemkt
OUT  08:06  4 minutes  911  Emergency Services  
OUT 08:11 7 minutes 662-234-XXXX John McPhail  
IN 14:08 1 minute 662-281-XXXX  QualiT Carpet Cleaning 
IN 17:13 1 minute 662-232-XXXX L. M. Prescott  
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